
TraveDoc aims to become the world's largest quality network of doctors and dentists for global travelers!

Founded 2012
1-15 employees
  • Health Care Technology & Nursing
  • Headquarters address
    Cambridge, MA, United States

    You’re sick. You’re alone. You’re traveling in a country where you don’t speak the language. You need a doctor. It’s going to be okay. You have TraveDoc.

    Revolutionizing a large, untapped market, TraveDoc is an online doctor scheduling service, for people working, living and traveling in foreign countries.

    TraveDoc is by definition a global business whose goal is to provide access to highly skilled and vetted physicians, who speak your language across the globe.

    We will transform healthcare in developing and emerging countries, by enabling the best local healthcare providers to increase their visibility, which will positively impact their competitors and improve the overall quality of healthcare available locally.
    Based in Cambridge, MA and founded by experienced travelers and entrepreneurs who are experts in the travel health industry.


    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)

    Values and quality of life

    Catered meals
    TraveDoc - Every day is a new and fascinating trip around the world for us! :-)