UX Designer Salary in SF Bay Area

UX Designer Job Description

UX Designers are professionals tasked with improving the user experience (UX) of a product. In order to effectively do their job, they rely on research conducted within the target market, to find out the various ways that a specific product can be improved. This may be achieved through focus groups, online surveys and questionnaires.

UX Designers may work alone or within a larger team, where specific roles are assigned to individual designers. During the early design phases, they may create prototypes for the planned product. They often work alongside developers, User Interface (UI) designers and graphic artists in ensuring that the final design is easy to use and attractive. While UX designers may work in almost any user-facing industry, they are more often used in the tech scene, where they work on improving the effectiveness of apps, websites and programs.

Living and Working in San Francisco

San Francisco offers a lot of job opportunities for career-driven UX designers, especially within the Bay Area. In 2017, the city had a 3.9% unemployment rate, lower than the national average. San Francisco also boasts a thriving financial industry with over two dozen international financial institutions including major Fortune 500 companies like Wells Fargo, Blue Shield and PG&E. Well-known tech and startup companies located in the city include Twitter, Yelp and Airbnb.

Voted by US News as one of the TOP 20 Best Places to Live, San Francisco is also home to gorgeous landscapes, world-class museums and award-winning restaurants.

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Compare UX Designer salaries by region

UX Designers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Seattle
  2. $204,666
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $175,102
  5. Denver
  6. $160,000
  7. New York
  8. $156,926
  9. Washington D.C.
  10. $145,000
  11. Toronto
  12. C$140,333
  13. Dallas/Ft Worth
  14. $136,666
  15. Los Angeles
  16. $116,875
  17. Chicago
  18. $112,925
  19. London
  20. £107,085
  21. Austin
  22. $92,500
  23. Atlanta
  24. $65,000
  1. Seattle
  2. $204,666
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $175,102
  5. Denver
  6. $160,000
  7. New York
  8. $156,926
  9. Washington D.C.
  10. $145,000
  11. Toronto
  12. C$140,333
  13. Dallas/Ft Worth
  14. $136,666
  15. Los Angeles
  16. $116,875
  17. Chicago
  18. $112,925
  19. London
  20. £107,085
  21. Austin
  22. $92,500
  23. Atlanta
  24. $65,000
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Where UX Designers are highest in demand

    UX Designers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: