Job Directory Toronto Backend Engineer

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Top Skills for Backend Engineers

  1. PHP
  2. .NET
  3. Java
  4. C++
  5. C

Backend Engineer Jobs in Toronto

Find Backend Engineer Jobs in the Toronto Area

A Backend Engineer is a skilled web developer who focuses on the technologies that power websites, such as databases, servers and server-side applications. Much of the work done by a Backend Engineer stays invisible to users but is critical for site’s to perform efficiently. Some of the duties of a Backend Engineer may include ensuring compatibility on particular mobile devices.

Backend Engineers are skilled in server-side languages such as Java, Ruby, PHP and Python. They may also work with data-centric tools such as Oracle and MySQL. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that job opportunities for web developers, including Backend Engineers, will grow by as much as 15 percent by 2026.

Living and Working in Toronto

Toronto’s economy is driven by a mix of finance, manufacturing and tech sectors. The city is home to five of the largest Canadian banks as well as half of the major corporations located in Canada. Toronto is also a major tourist destination, drawing over 40 million visitors every year. In addition, the city has a high concentration of technology companies—the third largest on the continent—as well as a growing cluster of biotech companies, centered in the Discovery District.

Like almost any major urban area, Toronto offers a nice balance of restaurants, museums, malls and local cultural attractions. The city is connected by an effective transportation system that includes trains, streetcars and subway, but many of the residents enjoy walking whenever the weather permits. Some of the popular attractions include the CN Tower, Union Station and the famous underground PATH.

We don't have enough data for Toronto,
so we've calculated your salary information for the San Francisco Bay Area instead:
Based on real Hired interview data, Backend Engineers in Toronto earn an average annual salary of
Based on real Hired interview data, Backend Engineers in SF Bay Area earn an average annual salary of
The salaries of candidates in this role range from a low of C$58,641 to a high of C$117,282, with a median salary of C$82,097.


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Top Skills for Backend Engineers

  1. PHP
  2. .NET
  3. Java
  4. C++
  5. C