
We envision a world where a job feels personal again, where businesses and tech bring people together - not apart, we see the future as people-driven - and it starts with you.

Founded 2016
16-50 employees
  • Human Resources & Careers
  • Enterprise Software
  • Social Networking
  • Headquarters address
    2955 Campus Drive, #110, San Mateo, CA 94403

    Wavely is a job board platform designed to facilitate job seekers as well as organizations looking to source talented individuals from around the globe. Before its inception, our team spoke to hundreds of entrepreneurs and job seekers. While entrepreneurs explained the difficulties they face in growing a startup team, job seekers told us about the frustration of filling out long application forms and never getting a response.

    We envisioned a solution that could address these unique struggles faced by job seekers and organizations and provide them with a one-stop source for finding jobs and posting them.

    Tech stack

    Java, Spring, MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, REST, Node.JS, React, BigQuery, Amazon Relational Databases (RDS), PostgreSQL, Digital Ocean, Objective-C, Java for Android, Flutter


    Compensation and retirement

    401k plan
    401k matching

    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)

    Vacation and time off

    Paid time off
    Paid holidays
    Work from home flexibility