Salary Directory San Diego QA Manual Test Engineers

QA Manual Test Engineer Salary in San Diego

QA Manual Test Engineer Job Description

The responsibilities of a QA Manual Test Engineer include software assessment through quality assurance using manual processes. A QA Manual Test Engineer actively searches for any bugs or glitches in the program and reports them to the proper technical team. QA Manual Test Engineers must have a sharp eye for details and know how to execute test cases so that the company's application, products and systems all work as they should.

Applicants interested in the position of a QA Manual Test Engineer need prior related experience like working as a project manager or in a similar role. Additionally, this role requires knowledge of regression testing, Agile frameworks and SQL. Candidates should also have experience using test management software such as qTest and Zephyr. QA Manual Test Engineers should also have excellent analytical skills. A degree in a technical field like computer science or engineering is often required.

Living and Working in San Diego

San Diego is located on the coast by the Pacific Ocean in the southern part of California. The climate here is generally sunny and warm. About 1.3 million people live in San Diego. It is the second largest city in the state after Los Angeles. The city has 52 distinct communities. It also attracts many visitors. San Diego has great shopping and restaurants as well as a vibrant cultural scene. It is home to the largest naval fleet in the world. The top industries here are aerospace, apparel manufacturing, biomedical devices, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

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Compare QA Manual Test Engineer salaries by region

QA Manual Test Engineers are highest in demand in London, SF Bay Area, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $128,148
  3. Phoenix
  4. $126,666
  5. Seattle
  6. $122,977
  7. Dallas/Ft Worth
  8. $116,132
  9. Atlanta
  10. $115,714
  11. New York
  12. $115,437
  13. Washington D.C.
  14. $112,358
  15. Los Angeles
  16. $112,000
  17. Philadelphia
  18. $103,333
  19. Boston
  20. $99,100
  21. Austin
  22. $97,354
  23. Columbus
  24. $94,666
  25. Chicago
  26. $91,214
  27. Denver
  28. $89,230
  29. Toronto
  30. C$72,222
  31. London
  32. £70,736
  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $128,148
  3. Phoenix
  4. $126,666
  5. Seattle
  6. $122,977
  7. Dallas/Ft Worth
  8. $116,132
  9. Atlanta
  10. $115,714
  11. New York
  12. $115,437
  13. Washington D.C.
  14. $112,358
  15. Los Angeles
  16. $112,000
  17. Philadelphia
  18. $103,333
  19. Boston
  20. $99,100
  21. Austin
  22. $97,354
  23. Columbus
  24. $94,666
  25. Chicago
  26. $91,214
  27. Denver
  28. $89,230
  29. Toronto
  30. C$72,222
  31. London
  32. £70,736
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Where QA Manual Test Engineers are highest in demand

    QA Manual Test Engineers are highest in demand in London, SF Bay Area, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: