Mobile Engineer Salary in Washington D.C.

Mobile Engineer Job Description

Mobile Engineers are informational professionals who create intuitive and easy-to-use programs and mobile applications, most commonly for Android or iOS platforms. iOS engineers, in particular, usually use objective-C or Swift programming languages. Mobile Engineers usually work within cross-sectional teams along with researchers, user experience designers, product, designers, product managers, marketers, salespersons, and other key business stakeholders.

As more and more individuals around the world gain access to smartphones and other Internet-connected devices, companies are eager to design custom mobile experiences to serve a mobile population. Demand for Mobile Engineers is expected to rise quickly. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mobile Engineer job positions are expected to grow by 25,300 jobs per year through 2026.

Living and Working in Washington, D.C.

As the nation‰Ûªs capital, Washington D.C. is a thriving metropolitan area with over 6 million residents. The city has large professional and business services and tourism sectors, but the overall economy is becoming more and more diversified. In addition to several law firms, lobbying shops and public affairs firms, a few media companies that are based in DC include C-SPAN, Atlantic Media and Voice of America. Some tech companies based in the area include HelloWallet, Blackboard, Inc. and NGP VAN.

Washington, D.C. offers a high quality of life, with easy access to fine cuisine and historic sites and museums. Popular attractions include the National Mall, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, the Smithsonian and the new National Museum of African American History. The region is serviced by three major international airports.

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Compare Mobile Engineer salaries by region

Mobile Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Atlanta
  2. $197,500
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $179,423
  5. New York
  6. $165,794
  7. Washington D.C.
  8. $161,666
  9. Boston
  10. $159,750
  11. Seattle
  12. $158,958
  13. Los Angeles
  14. $151,308
  15. Tampa
  16. $148,333
  17. Dallas/Ft Worth
  18. $146,893
  19. Philadelphia
  20. $145,106
  21. Columbus
  22. $143,833
  23. Austin
  24. $139,726
  25. Chicago
  26. $139,681
  27. Toronto
  28. C$131,571
  29. Houston
  30. $131,250
  31. Denver
  32. $130,251
  33. Phoenix
  34. $124,833
  35. Dublin
  36. €98,333
  37. France
  38. €90,000
  39. London
  40. £86,029
  1. Atlanta
  2. $197,500
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $179,423
  5. New York
  6. $165,794
  7. Washington D.C.
  8. $161,666
  9. Boston
  10. $159,750
  11. Seattle
  12. $158,958
  13. Los Angeles
  14. $151,308
  15. Tampa
  16. $148,333
  17. Dallas/Ft Worth
  18. $146,893
  19. Philadelphia
  20. $145,106
  21. Columbus
  22. $143,833
  23. Austin
  24. $139,726
  25. Chicago
  26. $139,681
  27. Toronto
  28. C$131,571
  29. Houston
  30. $131,250
  31. Denver
  32. $130,251
  33. Phoenix
  34. $124,833
  35. Dublin
  36. €98,333
  37. France
  38. €90,000
  39. London
  40. £86,029
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Where Mobile Engineers are highest in demand

    Mobile Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: