Salary Directory QA Manual Test Engineers

QA Manual Test Engineer Salary

QA Manual Test Engineer Job Description

QA manual test engineers, sometimes also called manual testers, take on the role of an end user in order to manually test software and apps for proper functionality. In order to perform the tests correctly and thoroughly, the candidate should be able to understand a business analyst, prepare a test plan for projects assigned to them and use the recommended software to log bugs and incorrect behaviors found during the testing process. Often QA manual test engineers will be asked to create and execute test cases that are based on the business requirements or functional specifications for each piece of software or app assigned to them. This may include designing and writing scripts that will test positive, negative and boundary cases as well as scripts that will test workflow and server software such as SQL. Test cases will need to be organized and updated as the software or app is debugged.

QA manual test engineers should be comfortable in engaging in communications with their own team, with the software engineers and possibly with the client. Bugs and incorrect functionality will need to be communicated clearly and concisely so that a complete fix can be made by the programming team. Reports and updates may also be required on a daily or weekly basis. QA manual test engineers may also be asked to create demos in the last part of the project timeline as well as create and deploy promotional content for sales associates and customers.

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Compare QA Manual Test Engineer salaries by region

QA Manual Test Engineers are highest in demand in London, SF Bay Area, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $128,148
  3. Phoenix
  4. $126,666
  5. Seattle
  6. $122,977
  7. Dallas/Ft Worth
  8. $116,132
  9. Atlanta
  10. $115,714
  11. New York
  12. $115,437
  13. Washington D.C.
  14. $112,358
  15. Los Angeles
  16. $112,000
  17. Philadelphia
  18. $103,333
  19. Boston
  20. $99,100
  21. Austin
  22. $97,354
  23. Columbus
  24. $94,666
  25. Chicago
  26. $91,214
  27. Denver
  28. $89,230
  29. Toronto
  30. C$72,222
  31. London
  32. £70,736
  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $128,148
  3. Phoenix
  4. $126,666
  5. Seattle
  6. $122,977
  7. Dallas/Ft Worth
  8. $116,132
  9. Atlanta
  10. $115,714
  11. New York
  12. $115,437
  13. Washington D.C.
  14. $112,358
  15. Los Angeles
  16. $112,000
  17. Philadelphia
  18. $103,333
  19. Boston
  20. $99,100
  21. Austin
  22. $97,354
  23. Columbus
  24. $94,666
  25. Chicago
  26. $91,214
  27. Denver
  28. $89,230
  29. Toronto
  30. C$72,222
  31. London
  32. £70,736
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Where QA Manual Test Engineers are highest in demand

    QA Manual Test Engineers are highest in demand in London, SF Bay Area, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: