Salary Directory Boston Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)s

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) Salary in Boston

Site Reliability Engineer Job Description

Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) combine the rolls of system administrators and software engineers. They are often computer network architects, and are responsible for creating, deploying and monitoring software services, and responding to any events that occur during the use of the service. SREs develop new features and write software that automates processes, reducing the need for human involvement during deployment. They apply the principles of engineering and computer science to create and develop large computer systems with a focus on reliability.

Site reliability engineers ensure that large-scale software systems comply with the organization's requirements. They respond to networking issues, slow responses, uncaught exceptions, high resources use and hardware degradation quickly, and effectively restore the services to minimize downtime. Site reliability engineers are in demand in both large and small organizations, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a 9% growth rate in the network computer architects field through 2024.

Living and Working in Boston, MA

Boston is a historical location that is known for its traditions of entrepreneurship and innovation. This ingenuity creates an interesting place that combines a diverse economy with plenty of access to recreational opportunities, including Fenway Park. The city is home to large organizations like Enterprise Bank, Commonwealth Financial Network and Big Night Entertainment Group. With opportunities at both small and large companies, Boston offers a variety of occupations and industries that are ideal for IT professionals who are looking for growth in their chosen fields.

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Compare Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) salaries by region

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)s are highest in demand in London, SF Bay Area, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Seattle
  2. $181,500
  3. Boston
  4. $176,611
  5. SF Bay Area
  6. $170,922
  7. Washington D.C.
  8. $157,329
  9. Austin
  10. $156,126
  11. New York
  12. $155,814
  13. Toronto
  14. C$152,687
  15. Philadelphia
  16. $149,488
  17. Atlanta
  18. $145,333
  19. Denver
  20. $145,000
  21. Dallas/Ft Worth
  22. $141,564
  23. Columbus
  24. $140,000
  25. Chicago
  26. $138,198
  27. Los Angeles
  28. $129,880
  29. Houston
  30. $129,869
  31. Phoenix
  32. $120,000
  33. Tampa
  34. $105,000
  35. France
  36. €100,000
  37. London
  38. £93,523
  39. Dublin
  40. €69,677
  1. Seattle
  2. $181,500
  3. Boston
  4. $176,611
  5. SF Bay Area
  6. $170,922
  7. Washington D.C.
  8. $157,329
  9. Austin
  10. $156,126
  11. New York
  12. $155,814
  13. Toronto
  14. C$152,687
  15. Philadelphia
  16. $149,488
  17. Atlanta
  18. $145,333
  19. Denver
  20. $145,000
  21. Dallas/Ft Worth
  22. $141,564
  23. Columbus
  24. $140,000
  25. Chicago
  26. $138,198
  27. Los Angeles
  28. $129,880
  29. Houston
  30. $129,869
  31. Phoenix
  32. $120,000
  33. Tampa
  34. $105,000
  35. France
  36. €100,000
  37. London
  38. £93,523
  39. Dublin
  40. €69,677
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Where Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)s are highest in demand

    Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)s are highest in demand in London, SF Bay Area, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: