Salary Directory SF Bay Area Embedded Engineers

Embedded Engineer Salary in SF Bay Area

Embedded Engineer Job Description

Embedded engineers may also be referred to as embedded systems or embedded software engineers. They analyze and work on computer systems that also have a dedicated function in a bigger electrical or mechanical structure. The role is described as "embedded" because it touches code that's part of a device. This often includes mechanical parts and new hardware. Embedded engineers at times may collaborate with developers or analog engineers on schematic hardware selection, drawings and debugging. They may perform a review on code and technical documents. Planning compression scheme, as well as detection techniques for errors to improve input and reduce packet loss are other tasks of an embedded engineer. These techs can create scalable software systems. They know about implementing RF signals, debugging, maintaining code and testing in CANoe and CANalyzer simulation devices. These embedded engineers can be tasked with working on wireless routers, mobile phones and even washing machines They also have a good understanding of interrupts, writing code and software design. They're knowledgeable of C++, OS such as Windows CE, Linux and other applications.

Living and Working in San Francisco

San Francisco is booming in the financial, technology and art industries. It's close to Silicon Valley and is a popular tourist destination, which easily helps to boost the city's economy as well. San Francisco is also growing in the sustainable energy sector. It's home to web business like Yelp, Twitter and Dropbox.

With landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island and Chinatown, San Francisco offers plenty to do and see. It's filled with Victorian homes and apartment buildings. There's also public transportation like the BART underground subway system.

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Compare Embedded Engineer salaries by region

Embedded Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $183,019
  3. Los Angeles
  4. $180,166
  5. Boston
  6. $164,704
  7. San Diego
  8. $164,000
  9. Seattle
  10. $159,363
  11. New York
  12. $157,328
  13. Washington D.C.
  14. $152,485
  15. Columbus
  16. $148,833
  17. Philadelphia
  18. $146,109
  19. Houston
  20. $145,000
  21. Chicago
  22. $143,058
  23. Dallas/Ft Worth
  24. $142,673
  25. Denver
  26. $140,000
  27. Austin
  28. $131,571
  29. Tampa
  30. $130,000
  31. Atlanta
  32. $126,200
  33. Toronto
  34. C$100,000
  35. France
  36. €100,000
  37. London
  38. £95,336
  39. Phoenix
  40. $80,000
  41. Dublin
  42. €100
  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $183,019
  3. Los Angeles
  4. $180,166
  5. Boston
  6. $164,704
  7. San Diego
  8. $164,000
  9. Seattle
  10. $159,363
  11. New York
  12. $157,328
  13. Washington D.C.
  14. $152,485
  15. Columbus
  16. $148,833
  17. Philadelphia
  18. $146,109
  19. Houston
  20. $145,000
  21. Chicago
  22. $143,058
  23. Dallas/Ft Worth
  24. $142,673
  25. Denver
  26. $140,000
  27. Austin
  28. $131,571
  29. Tampa
  30. $130,000
  31. Atlanta
  32. $126,200
  33. Toronto
  34. C$100,000
  35. France
  36. €100,000
  37. London
  38. £95,336
  39. Phoenix
  40. $80,000
  41. Dublin
  42. €100
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Where Embedded Engineers are highest in demand

    Embedded Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: