NLP Engineer Salary in Washington D.C.

NLP Engineer Job Description

Natural language processing (NLP) engineers are focused on incorporating natural voice interactions into services and products, by turning written text or spoken speech into something that a computer can understand and act upon. NLP engineers commonly work in cross sectional teams, including individuals with experience in user experience, product design, marketing and other key company stakeholders. Many NLP engineers have quantitative training or experience, with backgrounds in machine learning, data mining, statistics or developing artificial intelligence. Other important skills include programming in one or more languages or knowledge of statistical software.

While many people may be familiar with digital voice assistants by Amazon, Google and Apple, many more companies, including more traditional ones, are incorporating speech interaction into their products or services to improve the user experience. Job prospects for NLP engineers are estimated to increase dramatically over the coming years.

Living and Working in Washington, D.C.

As the nation‰Ûªs capital, Washington D.C. is a thriving metropolitan destination with over 6 million residents in the greater DC area. The city has a large professional and business services and tourism sector but the overall economy is fairly diversified and is becoming increasingly so. Some tech companies based in the Washington, D.C. region include Rosetta Stone, VeriSign, Motley Fool, HelloWallet and Blackboard, Inc.

Washington D.C. offers a high quality of life, with easy access to historic sites and museums and a rich culinary scene. Popular attractions include the National Mall, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument and the Smithsonian. The region has a growing population and is undergoing significant neighborhood redevelopment. The D.C. area is serviced by three major international airports: Ronald Reagan, Washington Dulles and Baltimore/Washington Thurgood Marshall.

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Compare NLP Engineer salaries by region

NLP Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $188,457
  3. Phoenix
  4. $180,000
  5. New York
  6. $178,424
  7. Boston
  8. $174,482
  9. Chicago
  10. $174,166
  11. Los Angeles
  12. $164,500
  13. Seattle
  14. $161,705
  15. Philadelphia
  16. $158,500
  17. Columbus
  18. $157,500
  19. Dallas/Ft Worth
  20. $155,738
  21. Washington D.C.
  22. $154,125
  23. Austin
  24. $134,777
  25. Toronto
  26. C$132,200
  27. Atlanta
  28. $100,000
  29. London
  30. £94,561
  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $188,457
  3. Phoenix
  4. $180,000
  5. New York
  6. $178,424
  7. Boston
  8. $174,482
  9. Chicago
  10. $174,166
  11. Los Angeles
  12. $164,500
  13. Seattle
  14. $161,705
  15. Philadelphia
  16. $158,500
  17. Columbus
  18. $157,500
  19. Dallas/Ft Worth
  20. $155,738
  21. Washington D.C.
  22. $154,125
  23. Austin
  24. $134,777
  25. Toronto
  26. C$132,200
  27. Atlanta
  28. $100,000
  29. London
  30. £94,561
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Where NLP Engineers are highest in demand

    NLP Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: