Salary Directory Chicago Business Operations

Business Operations Salary in Chicago

Business Operations Job Description

Business operations managers work closely with stakeholders and other management to develop processes and standards that meet the needs of the entire organization. They define operating objectives and help create and implement procedures and workflows for a company. Business operations is responsible for analyzing the results of current operations, and providing in-depth recommendations for improving those processes. They also provide training and guidance for other team members throughout the department.

Business operations managers maintain daily operations, and deal with general administration, personnel and business planning. From hiring and training new employees to preparing initiatives for entire departments, they handle the day-to-day operations and track key areas to determine where improvements are needed. There are business operations opportunities in government agencies, non-profit organizations and major corporations.

Living and Working in Chicago, Illinois

Home to a mix of large organizations, corporate headquarters and Fortune 500 companies, Chicago is a prime location for those interested in business operations. The city is the nation's second-largest business district, with business and professional services, leisure and hospitality and construction industries showing the largest growth. There are a variety of neighborhoods throughout Chicago, and each one provides its own history, diversity and culture. While the city is large, it maintains a more rural feel that makes it a welcoming location for those who prefer a slower pace than New York and other major metropolitan areas. There are also plenty of leisure activities, ranging from watching games at Fenway park to taking in the art galleries and museums, and discovering their famous deep-dish pizza offerings.

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Compare Business Operations salaries by region

Business Operations are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Philadelphia
  2. $155,000
  3. New York
  4. $151,000
  5. Washington D.C.
  6. $150,000
  7. SF Bay Area
  8. $134,375
  9. Seattle
  10. $132,500
  11. Chicago
  12. $121,666
  13. Los Angeles
  14. $108,999
  15. Boston
  16. $102,500
  17. Austin
  18. $90,000
  19. Atlanta
  20. $80,000
  21. Dallas/Ft Worth
  22. $78,750
  23. Minneapolis/St Paul
  24. $75,714
  25. Tampa
  26. $70,000
  27. London
  28. £54,958
  1. Philadelphia
  2. $155,000
  3. New York
  4. $151,000
  5. Washington D.C.
  6. $150,000
  7. SF Bay Area
  8. $134,375
  9. Seattle
  10. $132,500
  11. Chicago
  12. $121,666
  13. Los Angeles
  14. $108,999
  15. Boston
  16. $102,500
  17. Austin
  18. $90,000
  19. Atlanta
  20. $80,000
  21. Dallas/Ft Worth
  22. $78,750
  23. Minneapolis/St Paul
  24. $75,714
  25. Tampa
  26. $70,000
  27. London
  28. £54,958
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Where Business Operations are highest in demand

    Business Operations are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: