Gaming Engineer Salary in Washington D.C.

Gaming Engineer Job Description

Gaming Engineers (also known as software engineers or video game programmers) provide the core coding platform for video games. They may also be responsible for customizing gaming mechanics, graphics and simulated physics to fit with the vision of the designer. Other duties of a gaming engineer include troubleshooting video games to ensure that they run smoothly.

Gaming Engineers create games designed for various mediums, including games designed for the web, mobile devices, computer and specific gaming consoles like the PlayStation and Xbox. They may work long hours in a comfortable space and sometimes over the weekend, especially if a deadline or launch date is close. Most designers are skilled in multiple programming languages, including popular languages such as C++ and Java.

Living and Working in Washington DC

Known for its fast-paced political climate, Washington, DC is also a thriving metropolis with a diverse mix of businesses. The city is home to several major companies, including HCL Technologies, Amazon and Microsoft. Getting around Washington is easy. The Metrobus and Metrorail provide a convenient option for getting across town. However, many of the residents prefer to walk or ride when they can, especially during the spring and fall.

Prices of apartments within the city generally depend on the location and proximity to metro stations (the closer the more expensive). Some of the major neighborhoods include Forest Hills, U Street, Georgetown, DuPont Circle and Columbia Heights. Many students reside within Foggy Bottom, home to George Washington University, while Mount Vernon Square is a bike-friendly zone with a business pulse.

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Compare Gaming Engineer salaries by region

Gaming Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $183,620
  3. Washington D.C.
  4. $168,000
  5. New York
  6. $164,811
  7. Los Angeles
  8. $157,500
  9. Seattle
  10. $157,272
  11. Boston
  12. $150,000
  13. Columbus
  14. $140,833
  15. Chicago
  16. $140,200
  17. Toronto
  18. C$136,666
  19. Dallas/Ft Worth
  20. $133,000
  21. Philadelphia
  22. $129,835
  23. Houston
  24. $125,000
  25. Atlanta
  26. $113,300
  27. Dublin
  28. €100,000
  29. London
  30. £92,720
  31. Austin
  32. $87,500
  33. France
  34. €22,000
  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $183,620
  3. Washington D.C.
  4. $168,000
  5. New York
  6. $164,811
  7. Los Angeles
  8. $157,500
  9. Seattle
  10. $157,272
  11. Boston
  12. $150,000
  13. Columbus
  14. $140,833
  15. Chicago
  16. $140,200
  17. Toronto
  18. C$136,666
  19. Dallas/Ft Worth
  20. $133,000
  21. Philadelphia
  22. $129,835
  23. Houston
  24. $125,000
  25. Atlanta
  26. $113,300
  27. Dublin
  28. €100,000
  29. London
  30. £92,720
  31. Austin
  32. $87,500
  33. France
  34. €22,000
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Where Gaming Engineers are highest in demand

    Gaming Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: